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The future of homebuilding is here... is modular is prefabricated is faster is more sustainable uses less labour costs less

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Our mission


The Housing industry is in crisis. Not enough trades; material prices have skyrocketed; natural disasters on the North Coast have exacerbated this situation and there is no short term solution on the horizon.

Our patented offsite modular construction process and production line allows for very rapid construction The production line process uses less labour, fewer trades and offers considerable savings in materials and time. 


It is the future of construction.


And it is here now.

About Iconic


Iconic Modular have partnered with Red Factory to create an abundant industry disruptor to the housing production model that is about to revolutionise Housing in Australia.

Our Collaboration is based on bringing together two companies for the commercialisation of a patented production line process on the NSW North Coast to address the massive housing crises in this region and country at large.

CLT & Sustainability


The product is constructed from a structural base of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). This means that the walls, floor and ceiling are all “solid” timber. CLT sheets are machined using computer numerically Controlled (CNC) processes resulting in absolute accuracy. The building is finished with conventional materials but the CNC machining accuracy means faster construction with less waste.


An Experienced team

RED Factory brings extensive IP and skill resources to the business enterprise

Iconic Modular brings factory set up, trades, funds and pipeline projects.

Iconic Modular Marketing arm is to be incorporated into Iconic Modular and will operate out of both Byron Bay and Lismore with another purpose-built factory in Coffs Harbour to be completed in 2025.

Come and explore what’s possible today

148 Johnson Street Byron Bay NSW
124 Wilson Street Lismore NSW

Our full suite of services

Led by a team of visionaries, architects, engineers, builders, sustainability experts & marketers, Iconic Modular is solely focused on delivering innovative and complete solutions to Australia’s urgent housing affordability crisis.

civil works


The future of home building is modular is faster is more sustainable uses less labour offers more savings is now here...

Our patented offsite modular construction process and production line allows for very rapid construction The production line process uses less labour, fewer trades and offers considerable savings in materials and time. It is the future of construction.

Contact Us

Phone: 0414 188 974
Email: [email protected]


Earn Commissions
Email: [email protected]


See our Prospectus
Email: [email protected]